Ability in Disability
Meet Mrs. Esther. One of our very unique and special students. She can neither speak nor hear. But she has the eyes and senses to observe.
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CareerCaptains Institute has been Accredited to offer Professional and Diploma on Vocational and Managment programes.
Read moreLearn a Vocation
We are doing everything possible to help people discover themselves by believing in their strength and giving their best to bringing it into fruition.
Read moreCareerCaptains Int'l.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to offer every person a platform for self-discovery to be able to innovatively explore their innate potentials.
We are now in the employment and entrepreneurship world where if you are not up to date with the things needed for today’s work trend, you are likely to become irrelevant thereby putting your seat/business at risk. Too many people feel unprepared for the world we live in today; quite a lot feel they don’t have the required skills, they feel as though they have lost control of their life’s direction, and they feel they don’t really fit in the workforce, even if they can break into it at all. With this, a lot of people lose or forget their dreams.
Here is the good news. There is a way to regain control, direction of your life; it’s not money or luck, it’s education.
At CareerCaptains, we are passionate about the power of education to uplift people from where they are, to where they want to be.
This is a reason by extension the organization created CareerCaptains Institute
an accredited private training institution operating in Ghana since 2017.
We are quite aware college isn’t for everyone, but education is! We also know that employers hire people, not just certifications. Therefore, our focus is on two things:
training individuals to become self-reliant through vocations they can set up, grow, and become entrepreneurs. High focus is placed on the less-privileged, the vulnerable and those with special needs i.e Autism, people with Sickle Cell Anemia and those with disabilities.
training students in creating employer-employee fit by focusing on skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership and other skills which help an employee to fit into a company culture.
The Organization serves everyone across borders regardless of age, culture, race, gender and income. As such we have programs ranging from, Children Career Club (3C) for School Children, Students Career Club (S2C) for Students in Higher schools of learning, Advanced Career Club (A2C) for Graduates and Artisans, Executive Career Club (E2C) for Working Class and Role Models for Successful Career Men and Women.
CareerCaptains... Careers right about to get Better!
Our Clubs
Children Career Club (3C)
The CCI Club is intended for youngsters in their early stages while in school basically S S 1-S S 3 students.
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The student Career Club is for Higher Institution Students from year one to the finalists.
Read moreAdvanced Career Club (A2C)
For the graduated students and the unemployed, preparing them for the career world.
Read moreExecutive Career Club (E2C)
The working class and young entrepreneurs who are ready to share their experience and facilitate innovativeness and development.
Read moreRole Models Initiatives
This involves meeting successful professionals, vocational and entrepreneurs who have demonstrated great achievements and excellence in their chosen...
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