Vocational Trainings

Vocational Trainings

As our vision reads:
To see people become champions by developing their innate abilities by putting concepts into action and practice ensuring that their energy is converted to resourcefulness.

We are doing everything possible to help people discover themselves by believing in their strength and giving their best to bringing it into fruition. In other o achieve this, we have set up various trainings both online and physical trainings to help people build up their interests and channel their passions by training them on vocations they have already loved but needed a boost to create something with.

Started with online training on August 20, 2017 with a course on Cakes Snacks & Drinks and moved on to other vocations in the course of time which includes: Catering Services

  • Catering Services
  • Bead Making
  • Soap Making
  • Fashion and Sewing Techniques
  • Hair Making Techniques
  • Makeup Techniques
  • Event Decorations

With these, we have been able to train and award certificates to over 5,000 people in one year with higher percentage covering women. We are vision driven and aim is to grow people in all areas starting with building more creative entrepreneurs to assisting those who are in job perform effectively through professional trainings and master classes to boost their ability to deliver good results.

If these are achieved will not only benefit the individual but as well the generality of the nation where this skills are being brought into implementation. We are motivated by quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

Our chief want in life, is someone who shall make us do what we can. This is the service of a friend. With him, we are easily great.

And that of Mandy Hale:

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.